cute picture of a robot

An infobot-inspired Slack bot that remembers things.

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It remembers things said in chat and recalls them later.

You The internet is a great place for cat pictures You What is the internet? membot the internet is a great place for cat pictures

You can append to existing factoids.

You GIF is pronounced like "gift" You GIF is also pronounced like "jiffy" You GIF? membot GIF is pronounced like "gift" or pronounced like "jiffy"

You can replace existing factoids.

You no, GIF is pronounced however you want it to be! You GIF? membot GIF is pronounced however you want it to be!

You can forget factoids.

You @membot forget gif membot OK, I forgot about gif You What is GIF? membot I have no idea.

You can ask it to tell people about things privately.

Alice who are we talking about? You tell Alice about he who must not be named

You can make it choose a random response.

You Schrodinger's cat is very happy | not happy at all You Schrodinger's cat? membot Schrodinger's cat is not happy at all You Schrodinger's cat? membot Schrodinger's cat is very happy

You can see what a factoid is literally.

You literal Schrodinger's cat membot Schrodinger's cat is very happy | not happy at all

You can hide the subject when it replies.

You hodor is <reply>hodor! You hodor? membot hodor!

You can make it not reply to certain things.

You don't reply is <reply> You don't reply?

You can make it reply with actions.

You licks membot is <action> exudes a foul oil You /me licks membot membot exudes a foul oil

You can use the sender's name in the reply.

Alice ice cream is $who's favorite treat Alice ice cream? membot ice cream is Alice's favorite treat

You can express your like or dislike about things.

You kittens++ Alice kittens++ # so cute! Bob kittens-- You karma for kittens? membot kittens has 1 karma

You can make it require addressing to learn things.

You @membot disable setting ambient membot OK, I will no longer learn factoids without being told explicitly. You foo is bar You foo? membot No idea.

You can make it require addressing to respond to things.

You @membot enable setting direct membot OK, I won't reply unless spoken to. You kittens? Alice hmmm, nothing happened You @membot kittens? membot kittens are super cute Alice membot what are kittens? membot kittens are super cute

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